Dare to Believe!
From Chapter Three
One evening in 1982, while walking home from my publishing office south of Cairo, I approached the six-story building in which my family and I lived and saw the strangest sight. Construction had begun on a similar high-rise apartment building on the lot next to our home, and the workers had brought piles of building supplies—sand, cement, timber, and tons of steel-reinforcement bars. They had hired a guard to protect these materials. He lived at the side of the road in front of the site with his wife and three kids. They had nothing but a stretched tarpaulin to keep off the sun and the rare winter rainfall, a few cooking pots, a gas-burner . . . and a television.
As I walked past them, the sight of this family huddled together around this little black-and-white television stopped me in my tracks.
How do they have such an appliance living here, on the edge of destitution, by the roadside? I spotted a power-cord running right across the building site to a ground-floor neighbor’s home. I stood and blatantly stared, though no one from the family noticed me—their eyes were all glued to the little screen!
Eventually I walked on, but that sight stuck with me. How could such an assumedly illiterate family ever be exposed to the Christian faith . . . unless . . . it was through a medium such as television. I groaned inwardly.
The exciting and inspiring Dare to Believe! is now available in additional languages.
Dare to Believe! (Turkish)
To order a Turkish language version, please contact the SAT-7 TÜRK office by emailing info@sat7turk.com.
Dare to Believe! (Arabic)
The Arabic language version is available in Christian bookstores in the Arab World or on request from the publisher, Ramez Yousry. Email ramezyousry@gmail.com for more information.
Dare to Believe! (Chinese)
The abridged version of Dare to Believe! is available in Chinese and can be found here or by emailing info@sat7hk.org.
A donation to cover the book and postage is HKD 150.00.
Praise for Dare to Believe!
“This new book is not just his own exciting, personal story but it will give the reader inspiring insights into the courageous work and witness of the diverse Christian communities of the Middle East and North Africa, some of whom date their history back to the time of the apostles.
“Dare to Believe! will explain the challenges he faced in developing the new model of Christian television that typifies SAT-7 - an indigenous network which today broadcasts to millions in Arabic, Turkish and Farsi.” — Lord Alton of Liverpool
“Who would have thought that one man . . . daring to believe . . . could have such an impact for Christ on millions of lives in the Middle East and North Africa? My friend Terence Ascott is that man.
“In an account that seems to parallel the book of Acts in the New Testament, Dr. Ascott draws upon his own 50-years of faith and actions that only the Lord could design. This fascinating and engaging account of that belief is an astounding revelation of God at work. I was deeply moved as I read the heart-rending stories of many who paid for their faith in the One presented to them by SAT-7 . . . Jesus. Dare to Believe! is a must read!”— Dr. Ron Harris, Chairman, National Religious Broadcasters; President, MEDIAlliance International
“This inspiring volume, Dare to Believe! is really three stories under one cover. It’s the autobiography of a Christian leader with 50 years’ experience of working in the Middle East and North Africa.
”It’s the history of SAT-7, a gift of God for the satellite age and a glowing example of entrepreneurial faith which had the vision to embrace new technologies as an effective servant of the Gospel. But above all, it is the compelling story of the suffering church standing firm while the world collapses into anarchy and chaos. It is action-packed with powerful testimonies of dramatic conversions to Christ and a hunger for Christian fellowship and Bible teaching. There are vivid stories of persecution, intimidation, blood-soaked martyrdoms and miraculous escapes. Please read it and recognize there is a price to be paid for daring to believe!” — David Coffey OBE, Past President of the Baptist World Alliance, Former General Secretary of the Baptist Union of Great Britain
“Terry Ascott’s Dare to Believe! is an amazing telling of amazing stories about amazing people. I’ve met believers who live in the Middle East under incredible obstacles and opposition. Amazing because they don’t pray for protection (That’s what I would do!) They pray for boldness. You'll be challenged and inspired by the stories of these brave followers of Jesus.
“I love these stories. I admire the faith and vision of Terry and applaud the work of SAT-7.” — Wayne Pederson, Global Ambassador, Far East Broadcasting
“The Christian Faith began in the Middle East, but it is there today where followers of the Risen Christ face constant persecution. In “Dare to Believe!”, Terence Ascott tells the thrilling story of SAT-7’s ministry, showing that the faith of Jesus Christ can never be crushed.” — The Lord Carey of Clifton, 103rd Archbishop of Canterbury
“When it comes to giving the Gospel, we must always go where the kingdom of Christ is under assault. Nowhere is the opposition fiercer than in the Middle East . . . yet Christ's church is springing up all over! It’s why I thank God for the remarkable work of SAT-7 and its tireless efforts to make Christ known in this ancient region of the world. In his new book, Dare to Believe!, Terry Ascott has captured the danger, intrigue, yet passion and ingenuity behind the unique development of SAT-7. If you are looking for inspiration, as well as a genuine witness of the life-transforming power of the Good News, this is a must-read!” — Joni Eareckson Tada, Founder/CEO, Joni and Friends
“This is a story of Christian faith, courage and perseverance which needs to be heard. It is at times heart-breaking and at times heart-warming. It is a story filled with pain, love and undying hope. Western Christians must surely be challenged by its authenticity: if you have ever wondered what the Gospel of Christ means in a harsh world, this story is for you.” — Stephen Green, Baron Green of Hurstpierpoint , Member of the UK House of Lords
“As I read Dare to believe! I found myself moved by the faith and vision required to begin the first ever satellite network in the Middle East aimed at communicating the Good News. Terry and Jackie’s story was thrilling!
“Kingdom progress always requires steps of faith, especially in places where such faith can come at a very high cost. We need more believers willing to do whatever it takes to share the story of Jesus in compelling ways.
“May God use this story to inspire many more people toward bold action! And let us continue to pray for and support our brothers and sisters across the Middles East and North Africa.” — Kevin Palau, President, Luis Palau Association
“How thankful I am that Terence Ascott just wrote "Dare to Believe!" This is a riveting book filled with miracles! First of all, it's amazing that Terence is even alive to write "Dare to Believe!" He was thrown out of Egypt, held at gunpoint by the PLO in Lebanon, threatened numerous times, but he stood the course, and the miracle of SAT-7 is now saturating the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia with the message of Jesus!” — Tom Doyle- Author, CEO and Founder - Uncharted Ministries
“In Dare to Believe! you become Terence Ascott’s companion on an EPIC adventure of faith and obedience. You join him on harrowing pursuits driven by the revelations of what media and technology make possible. You bear witness to God's master plan and how the hope of the Gospel is on its way to the ends of the earth. The story of SAT-7 left me awestruck, praising God, and full of anticipation as the day of the Lord approaches.” — Tami Heim, President and CEO of Christian Leadership Alliance
“In Dare To Believe!, Dr. Ascott offers a thrilling, eye-opening account of ministry in the Middle East. The stories of perseverance in the face of opposition inspire readers to boldly proclaim the Gospel, and they show what creativity and faith can accomplish.” — Bill High, Executive Chairman & Founder, The Signatry
“Terence Ascott’s stories of risk, conviction, and blessing will encourage your faith. It did mine. Dare to Believe! is compelling. The media is not the message but a new satellite television technology in the 1990s provided a way to broadcast the Word of God throughout the Middle East and North Africa, efficiently and effectively. It was and is a ministry method for such a time as this.” — Dr. Roger Parrott, President, Belhaven University